Kind Fundraiser – Three Ways To Participate

December 1, 2010

Hello from Melody Lesh – thank you for taking the time to consider my request. I know that you’re busy so I’ll make this brief. I’m a member of Peace at Last Farms Animal Rescue, Rehabilitation and a participant in our online fundraiser. There are three ways to help us reach our goal.

First and Good Way

My request of you is this – If you are able and willing to help, please do! We depend on this fundraiser and I’m contacting you for support. A web-page has been setup specifically for me. It’s simple and convenient for you to support me; simply click on the link below and purchase an item or two from the products offered! Share this with as many people as possible.

I have ifeatured 3 of the items they offer in this note for a sneak peek.

Second and Better Way

Pass along the site to your friends and family. The more participating the better. Have them tell their friends too! Third and Best Way Please follow these simple instructions and register for our online fundraiser. It’s easy (and free!) for you to sign up and begin contacting anyone you know (in the USA) who you think will support you. Remember, each item sold through this online fundraiser is shipped directly to the buyer.

Once registered, if someone purchases from an email that you forward, you will get credit as the seller and Peace at Last Farms – Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation, Inc. will receive and distribute the profits.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter Registration number FL11143 and your own email address.
  3. Once you have completed registration you’ll receive a prepared email that is customized for you! Simply forward the email to everyone you know.


Remember, each item sold through this online fundraiser is shipped directly to the buyer. Once registered, if someone purchases from an email that you forward, you will get credit as the seller and Peace at Last Farms – Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation, Inc. will receive and distribute the profits.

When an order is placed in your name, a copy of the order will be emailed to you. REMEMBER – YOU MUST REGISTER FIRST! Only then will you receive the prepared email for you to forward to friends, co-workers & family. If you want to purchase items from the site go ahead, you’ll receive credit as the seller.

As an extra incentive – any group member who reaches $100.00 in sales will receive a FREE Love the Earth Tote Bag. This offer is per individual seller. The tote bag will be shipped to the seller. This is in addition to the profit earned!

Don’t limit your requests to out-of-town relatives, instead…send the requests to everyone you know and follow up with a call if necessary.

Let people know about our fundraiser, they will be supportive!

 (This fundraising event will end on January 3, 2011)

“Rub My Tummy” Pet Collar Charm $10.00

Mrs. D’s Delicious Dog Treats $6.00

Summer Beach Bum Puppies 12″ x 16″ Garden Flag $15.00

Kind Fundraiser Benefiting Animal Rescue

November 23, 2010

We here at Peace At Last Farms Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation, Inc. have teamed up with Kind Fundraiser and have created this awesome fundraising opportunity just in time for the holiday shopping season. The more people we have participating the better. This fundraiser will end on January 3, 2011 so please take the time to help spread the word by following the directions below.

We really need everyone to participate and spread the word through the directions below but if you wish to only shop please see our customized page. If you do participate you’ll receive a page just like this one to pass on to your friends.

Please follow these simple instructions and register for our online fundraiser. It’s easy (and free!) for you to sign up and begin contacting anyone you know (in the USA) who you think will support you. Remember, each item sold through this online fundraiser is shipped directly to the buyer. Once registered, if someone purchases from an email that you forward, you will get credit as the seller and Peace at Last Farms – Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation, Inc. will receive and distribute the profits.


1) Go to

2) Enter Registration number FL11143 and your own email address.

3) Once you have completed registration you’ll receive a prepared email that is customized for you! Simply forward the email to everyone you know.

When an order is placed in your name, a copy of the order will be emailed to you. REMEMBER – YOU MUST REGISTER FIRST! Only then will you receive the prepared email for you to forward to friends, co-workers & family. If you want to purchase items from the site go ahead, you’ll receive credit as the seller.

As an extra incentive – any group member who reaches $100.00 in sales will receive a FREE Love the Earth Tote Bag. This offer is per individual seller. The tote bag will be shipped to the seller. This is in addition to the profit earned! Don’t limit your requests to out-of-town relatives, instead…send the requests to everyone you know and follow up with a call if necessary.

Let people know about our fundraiser, they will be supportive!

(This fundraising event will end on January 3, 2011)

Questions… Visit Call 1-800-995-9394 or email

Care2 – A Website Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place

April 19, 2009

Care2 is a remarkable social environment filled with people dedicated to making the world a better place. It is free to join and by doing so you become a part of a family of people striving to make a change for the better. Even if you have little time but want to make an impact by helping preserve our environment and its inhabitants you can do that daily in less than five minutes.

One of the many things Care2 offers is their Care2 Click to Donate Races. They have 10 causes that you can do daily free clicks on and make an impact on each individual cause. The 10 causes are Global Warming, Habitats (Rain Forests, American Prairies or Marine Wetlands), Seals, Oceans, Big Cats (Tiger, Leopard or Jaguar), Primates, Children, Pets, Stop Violence and Breast Cancer. Look at the wealth of causes that you can make a n impact to in less than 5 minutes.

A long side of that they have Daily Activities. This is where you can learn ways to preserve the environment by taking daily action to prevent waste, reduce energy use and make are world a cleaner place and much more.

Beings it is a social environment you get to interact with others like yourself who are concerned about our earth and its inhabitants. You get your own page where you can post your causes, pictures, blogs and such. You can join groups and participate in group forums. You can even set up your own polls or petition site.

Care2 is what I would label “a feel good site.” You feel good knowing you are making a difference. You are met with warmth by good people doing good for others. I learned about this site from a dear person who does a lot with animal rescues. She told me about the site and I went and joined to look around. I was truly impressed with what they are doing and what they are accomplishing. They are making a great resource available to people who care.

You will find Care2 gives you a sense of peace the moment you arrive. You will be rewarded with gratitude and knowing you have done your part to make this world a better place for you and yours and for generations to come.

Have a particular cause you are concerned with or follow? I am sure you will find it at Care2. There is a wealth of causes from a wealth of people available. Take advantage of the search feature and find others who are interested in the things you are and join in the groups and discussions about them.

I invite you to go and see for yourself what Care2 is all about. Make a difference and do your Care2 Clicks. Create your profile and you can track the difference you are making by spending that 5 minutes each day on 10 great causes. Make friends, influence people and make a stand for what you believe in.

This article is dedicated to Jerilyn. Thank you for all you do and for telling me about this wonderful site.

Melody Baum

For more information about this great community go to

Copyright © Melody Baum, All Rights Reserved

You may reprint this articles AS LONG AS the entire article remains the same including this author resource box!